What Is 1440p Resolution?
Referring to the height of the resolution, which is measured in pixels, 1440p simply means a resolution of 2560x1440. The ‘p’ indicates a progressive resolution (this refers to how the resolution is drawn on a monitor), which is known to lend videos a higher quality. Interlaced resolution, on the hand, frequently causes plenty of flickering given that the resolution is painted on the screen in alternating frames, whereas progressive resolution paints all the time.
1440p resolution is one of the highest resolutions available, only rivaled by the much-revered 4K. For application purposes, it’s important to note that 1440p resolution is mostly manufactured for PC monitors. However, the 1440p resolution can be found with other screens too, including smart phones where it’s often labeled ‘Quad HD’ or ‘QHD’ (Quad High Definition). The ‘Quad’ refers to the fact that it’s four times the resolution of the 720p, which was originally the standard for HD devices.
QHD also boasts a wide aspect ratio of 16:9.
1440p Body Cameras
Body cameras, which are increasingly being used for law enforcement and local government purposes, are also available in 1440p resolution, helping authorities ensure greater transparency and accountability within public bodies.
Although a few of our models can record up to 1440p, the default is set to 1080p as this is the optimal recording resolution for quality, battery life and storage. You will find that as you set the quality of the video higher, battery life will be consumed at a faster rate and your storage capacity will fill up faster.
The trade off here is that you will receive an outstanding video quality. If your purpose is to playback the video on a 1440p screen, recording at 1440p should be considered. However, if you are playing back on a regular 1080p monitor, your footage will look quite similar as if it were recorded at 1080p.
You can also reduce the quality of most body cameras all the way down to 480p. Ultimately storing up to 68 hours of footage before the body camera is full. Some users also prefer to enable loop recording which allows the older footage to be replaced/looped with newer footage. This provides an easy to manage operation for the user where they can only save video files that are necessary, rather than deleting their footage every time the storage capacity is reached. Enabling loop recording when the body camera is set to record at 1440p is also a viable option.
It’s no secret that a 1440p resolution adds sharpness and definition to videos and graphics - so much so, you’ll wonder why you’ve been missing out all these years.
If you are interested in 1440p video recording, make sure that the cameras you purchase are built for this specific resolution. For a range of body cameras featuring 1440p resolution, take a look through our catalogue of products.